
Shortcut (2018). Drypoint and monotype, 40 x 30 cm. Printed in an edition of 5.

Andreas Ekström – Att hitta

Cover design for Andreas Ekström´s collection of essays on finding — Att hitta. Released in the fall of 2018, Weyler…

Kris och kritik 11-12

Cover and illustrations for Kris och kritik no. 11-12. For their double issue with the theme Historiemetafysik och förfall (History…

Adania Shibli – Två romaner

Cover design commissioned by Bokförlaget Tranan for two novels by Adania Shibli, Touch (مساس)  and We are all equally far…

Ia Genberg – Klen tröst

Cover design commisioned by Weyler for Ia Genbergs short story collection Klen tröst & fyra andra berättelser om pengar. Released…


Uppland (2016) Six litography prints, 70 x 50 cm. Printed at Die Angewandte in Vienna in an edition of 10,…


Monument (2016) Six plate litography prints and an artist book, documenting the contents of an old suitcase found in the…